#honestly idek what this is
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zhoudadudugongjin · 2 months ago
I've been staring at this for 6 hours and I've had enough so please read it and be amused and/or persuaded 🥺😭
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tl;dr please watch 😭😭
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bratbarzal · 7 months ago
On Your Side (NH13)
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Pairing: Nico Hischier & Fem!OC Poppy Jensen
Rating: 18+ MDNI (chapters marked with *)
Tropes: Friends to Lovers, Accidental Pregnancy, Fake Dating, Miscommunication, Slow Burn (Kind Of)
General Warnings: Angst, Smut (marked with *), Fluff. (chapters will contain individual warnings)
Summary: Poppy Jensen’s job with the New Jersey Devils was supposed to be her first big step into adulthood - a way to prove to herself and her overbearing parents that she could make her own way in life. She was never supposed to become involved with any of the players. Becoming best friends with their captain was stupid. Getting her heart broken by him was tragic. Getting knocked up with his child was just plain messy.
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four*
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine*
chapter ten
chapter eleven*
chapter twelve
all related asks - all related posts
On My Side* aka Nico comes home to Poppy after scoring his first ever career hat-trick for the Devils, set around 8 weeks after the events of the fic, 6k words
“C’mon, like I need an excuse to hang out with you.” aka a blurb with pre-OYS Nico and Poppy - requested as part of my valentines blurb event
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cabinette · 10 months ago
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shoutout to the french and the multishippers
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jollyreginaldrancher · 4 days ago
"Who does Natalie have?"
better question, who does Misty have?
She doesn't have Shauna, who's too wrapped up in sticky taping the sides of her house back together and playing the timid housewife again.
She doesn't have Taissa who let her house burn down like the cabin did, and now plays home with the ember-haired seductress she was never capable of refusing.
She doesn't have Van, who'd rather choke on her own spit than throw a kind word her way, too self involved in her body's breakdown to notice Misty's mental one.
She might have had Lottie if she wasn't constantly on the verge of a meltdown of her own, so removed from what she's done because she cannot let her self carry the burden the way Natalie showed Misty to. She cannot let herself tread in Misty and Natalie's footsteps and follow that same path. She cannot bear to take the responsibility of what they've done, that's why she passed the crown to Natalie. That's why she passed the sight to Travis. Her shoulders weren't meant to bear this.
And she doesn't have Natalie. Not anymore. Maybe not ever. But certainly not now that she needs someone. Now that she needs Nat. Now that she needs her.
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literallyjusttoa · 3 months ago
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So usually I only post about my Au's when I've thought them through and they make logical sense and whatnot, but trust me, there are dozens more that I never share. For example, this is an au where Apollo defeats his father in a revolution (He does this alone, so nobody knows exactly how the battle went down, only that Apollo was majorly injured and Zeus never returned) and Athena re-organized the structure of Olympus so that it was reminiscent of Athenian democracy. This means that every "citizen" of Olympus can put there name in a lottery, and 24 of them are pulled to serve as senators for ten years (in Athens you only served for 1 year, but like, these are immortals they can get a longer term) The rest of the citizens could show up during votes if they chose and take part in major decisions.
Outside of the main assembly and the boule (the group of 24) there is a group of Archontes. They reside over the more ceremonial affairs of Olympus, alongside reviewing the affairs of the elected officials in the boule. Apollo is against taking part in the new government at first, but Athena convinces him to become and Archon, alongside four other immortals. Elpis, the spirit of Hope, Theia, the titaness of Sight, Dike, the goddess of Justice, and Sykeus, a Giant.
Idk what happens after that I came up with all of this in like a day. This is y'all's look behind the curtain random shit like this just races through my head and then leaves again and I never know what to do with it lmao.
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ghostz-nursery · 1 month ago
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[pt: creeper moodboard // end pt]
these goobers are one of my favorite mobs! tied with endedmen ofc :3
(all images from pinterest)
NSFW accounts please DNR
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(creds to kodaswrld for the banner!)
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lexieloo28 · 1 month ago
I created this and my cousin told me I should post it, so here. For all you Buddy enjoyers. No idea why its kinda low quality sorry :( Maybe one day I'll get photoshop and stop using paint 3D LOL
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side note, does anyone know what this type of image is called? Would make it way easier to make more in the future :')
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nightyraven-art · 2 months ago
As I'm working on my post-botw au I have the final design of my Link
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It's been a year of me trying to find a design and writing this project I wouldn't say its finished but I'm at a great starting point.
A big thanks to the people who helped me continuing this projects bc I was stuck for months XD
The premise takes place after botw when Link and Zelda found out Ganon's skeleton (inspired by totk trailer) this au doesn't have zonai. If you are wondering what happened? Gloom takes over Link's body. Purah helped making the suit with the remains of the divine beast and ancient Guardians parts.
The Adventure starts with Zelda this time(still a wip) meanwhile Link goes to the depths. Later on they both will work together.
However Link will be not alone after awhile...someone is watching him or maybe waiting for him
I'm still working on this project in the meantime, it's not done but big thanks to my friends helping me out with this.
I'm currently writing a fanfic abt this au and designing Zelda, it might take some time but don't worry!!! I'm still working once I have free time
This started as a joke and began something more, I wouldn't made it to this point if it wasn't for my friends!!
I just ask any of you to be patient in the meanwhile but I hope I'm not letting anyone out I'm just trying my best to make it memorable.
I'm very proud of my progress on this project!!
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gumjester · 1 year ago
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MORE BISTRO ..... i need to design them all. please just let me cook [cook pun?.....]
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bookishjules · 2 years ago
Things that were taken from Annabeth in the Heroes of Olympus:
her invisibility cap, a crucial part of her fighting style
the dagger that Luke gave her, the weapon that ended the Titan War
Daedalus' laptop, an expansive resource of knowledge and ideas that could have rivaled the library of Alexandria
Three of these were gifts from people she looked up to. Every single item she was given held within it the esteem and the love and the trust and the hope and the respect that made them more than just items. They were physical representations of the fact that she mattered to someone, and they were ripped from her hands.
She's never been the one with insane powers, the one who can command attention and respect just by existing. She had to prove to people that she was capable and strong and wise and all the rest, just to prove to herself that she was worth seeing. And having the attention that was given her in the form of gifts be taken away... it would feel like being cut from a tether and left to drift. And not only that, but those items were also the things that gave her something like powers. She learned to wield them, knew exactly how to plan an attack using the resources that had become like extra limbs to her. And then she's left with nothing. She has to learn how to build up a reservoir of plans and strategies again that don't involve those tools. And of course she can do it, of course she's going to, but damn if it doesn't hurt like hell to see everything slip from her grasp in such a way.
And maybe they were crutches, and she's ready and confident enough to step out on her own without that idea of support.. but as prideful as Annabeth can be, wisdom is about using the tools you were given, not necessarily about making your own. It's about knowing when to trust others and let them help you, even if they're just the ghosts of others that have been left in the items they gave you.
Which brings me back to the first thing that was taken from her: Percy. Percy who, alone among the things she lost, has free will, who not only saw her, but refused to stop looking at her. Percy, who could almost have been a gift himself to little Annabeth who was just dying to go on a quest. Percy, who, when everything else was slipping away, held on tighter, who would never let her be all on her own again.
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claraswald · 2 years ago
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another meme i won’t finish: [4/10] movies franchise
Scream (1996 — )
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c6jpg · 2 years ago
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slytherinshua · 4 months ago
slowly realizing more and more that the sm boycott effort is gonna amount to nothing in the end, and this is not the way we should be going about the riize situation.
i loved seunghan when he was in the group, and i am still an ot7 fan. but at a point, i think we need to think of how much of our time and energy we're willing to spend fighting for something that has such a small chance of actually happening. sm is gonna bounce back from any stock lost from the boycott because they are one of the big 3. they have like 4 of the biggest groups in kpop rn: nct, aespa, red velvet, riize. there's just no way either boycotting riize or boycotting all of sm would actually be detrimental enough to get a member who's been terminated from the group back in.
and while i don't agree with the ot6 fans who are being unreasonable, i think some ot7 fans have been just as bad. this fandom is so toxic and rotten, every day it just seems to get worse. and i don't like the narrative that most ot7 fans were spreading about ot6 kfans-- how they were just mad that seunghan was dating pre debut. that isn't why they were mad, they really didn't care about that. it's the fact that he took pictures of him with his possibly/alleged underage girlfriend (it's honestly bad enough with/without her being possible underage, which i don't have confirmation on) at what looks like a hotel and presumably sent it to his friends in a group chat (which was how it got leaked). that's why they wanted him out of the group.
personally, i don't believe that a member should get kicked out of a group or put on hiatus without a proper reason why. and seunghan's hiatus and termination is really messy. but there are valid reasons why kfans weren't too big on him. the problem is there have been many idols kicked out for things they didn't do, and others who have been caught doing really fucked up and nasty things and rightfully kicked out of the group, but it's hard to know which idols are innocent or not when there's no organization. and when we jump on a narrative train and blow something super big out of proportion, the facts and proper investigation of the situation gets lost in the mess of things.
what should have happened was things being properly investigated back in october 2023 before seunghan was ever put on hiatus, and a decision made from there whether to keep him in the group or kick him out based on that.
instead, we have the other 6 members who clearly want seunghan back tired of the state of everything (rightfully so), ot7 and ot6 fans fighting a full blown war every day without logical thinking, and misinformation being spread left and right. there's no organization, there's no firm confirmation on anything, all of this is just such a big mess.
now let me be clear IF it's true that there was anything suspicious going on between seunghan and his girlfriend, then i would obviously no longer support him. as it is, i'm not going to stop supporting him until there's firm evidence. i'm tired of kpop stans making rash decisions based on half truths instead of just being patient and waiting for the facts to come out. staying neutral during unclear situations is a valid stance to take. please let's all stop jumping to conclusions from both sides.
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disastrouscanasta · 10 months ago
the tiniest luztoye scenepack
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sexymoonmansslut · 5 months ago
sirius (pts. 2&3)
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i just love everything about them.
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trialbywombaat · 8 months ago
Ok but can we talk ‘Buck 1.0’ for a second.
Before I rewatched the pilot, my memory of Buck in s1 was that he was the kind of guy that slept with girls once, then left them hanging. So it was a big surprise to me to rewatch those scenes.
Because the first time we see Buck hook up with another girl, we also see him ask her if she wants to do it again some time. And she says no.
The very first time we see him hook up with someone, he’s the one who wants more from it, and she’s the one who rejects him.
I’m not here pretending that he desperately wanted a serious relationship with her, I just think that that’s a really interesting thing to point out, especially given the hindsight we have when rewatching it.
And then it’s only what, episode 2? 3? Before Abby asks Abby out. And Buck literally jumps at the chance. Like he says ‘no’, but only because he wants to get it right. Abby’s the first person we’ve ever seen properly take an interest in Buck, and he takes hold of that chance with both hands.
Anyway I just have a lot of feelings about that.
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